Vision Board


You have been making it okay to put everyone else first. SLOW DOWN. Give yourself the gift of Self-Care and bring your dreams to life in 2020!

If 2020 ends up like 2019 did, YOU are the only one responsible for making a change


You know the feeling….you are caught up in the busyness of day to day life, taking care of your family and feel guilty for needing “me time” just to center yourself and find some peace of mind.
You are not alone! According to Julie Burton, author of The Self-Care Solution: A Modern Mother's Must-Have Guide to Health and Well-Being, “…almost all mothers, regardless of work status, struggle with feelings of guilt when they take time away from their children to practice self-care," says Burton.
You are so busy taking care of others that you can barely stir up the energy to get your workout in, much less consistently get up even earlier to meditate, journal or reflect on YOUR dreams!

But, the more time that passes, the louder that inner voice becomes calling you to come home to yourself, to slow down, to create space for soul-care.

I can relate! I have been there so many times! I ignored
my inner truth for so long that I developed a deep depression and an autoimmune disease, where my body literally started attacking itself!
This was a huge wake up call for me to indulge in radical self care and prioritize time to reflect, be creative, meditate and listen to the whispers of my soul.

After leading dozens of workshops, book study groups and coaching clients I’ve seen countless spiritual  transformations and “aha” moments to know the power of SoulCollage® coupled with visualization in a supportive environment— is the perfect formula to answer that call —to care of  yourself on a deep soul level.

Begin 2020 with centeredness and peace of mind that you are on the right track!

What's included

Begin 2020 with centeredness and peace of mind that you are on the right track!

Here’s what you’ll get:

• A Full day to create up to 4 mini vision boards focusing on the areas of your life  that you choose to focus on up-leveling in 2020 such as:

Creative Expression, Adventure/Travel, Family, Social/Friendships, Career and Business, Money and Finances, learning/knowledge, Spirituality/purpose, Environment/home or Health/fitness
• Delicious catered lunch by the Bhive (gluten free and vegan options available)
• Journaling prompts to move you closer to your dreams

• A guided powerful meditation to bring you in alignment with peace while envisioning your ideal future self in 2020 

• Surprise gifts for 3 lucky participants! 

• 2 group coaching calls on Zoom- one prior to the event to help prepare you to get the most out of the workshop, and one scheduled call for after the workshop to keep the momentum going!

• Bonus* SoulCollage kit (includes 12 cards, special glue stick and pen) to continue creating cards on your own!

Key Benefits

• Get fired up emotionally about your ideal future!
• A full day of relaxation, stress relief and time for yourself dedicated to spiritual growth
• Clarity on your goals and visions
• Space to connect and share with supportive women in an intimate private retreat like setting
• Specific steps to take to activate your dreams

• Bust thorough blocks that have blocked you in the past so this time you make happen!

This class is for you if:

This class is not for you if:

• You have done SoulCollage® before and
 love it or never done Soulcollage® and
 curious about it
• You feel you need some “me time” to
 nurture your soul
• You have big dreams that you want to
 birth into this world
• You have a creative project that you
 would like to complete, but can’t seem to

• Being creative is not your thing
• You have plenty of time to meditate,
 journal, create and tend to your soul
• You are not ready to move forward on
 your creative dreams and projects
• You are not willing to look at yourself
 from a different perspective and change
 your mindset


Sign up today to begin your create your best 2020!

Where: Bhive 4661 Maryland Ave, St. Louis, MO 63108
When: Saturday, January 11th 
9:30am-2:30pm (includes a catered lunch)